Will – Antonio Gurulé
The will starts with confession of faith, with desire to be buried in a Franciscan habit near the front of the church. States that he, Antonio Gurule, is a resident of Albuquerque. Names as executors: his "son" Tadeo Garcia (husband of daughter Luisa) and his wife, Antonia Quintana - whom he wishes to be custodian of his property and guardian of his children.New Mexico Land Grants - Reel 38 - C51 - Frame 32Elena Gallegos GrantTranslation – Will of Antonio GuruléStates that he has been married to Antonia Quintana for 40 years, and that they have had nine children: Tomas, Manuela, Luisa, Fabiana, Juan Antonio, Serafin, Elena, Francisca, and Manuelita; and that eight of them are married. Tomas and the others have received what is coming to them by inheritance of land and other property and 300 acres of land for agriculture. He states that when he was married to his wife, he had nothing but the inheritance from his parents.He states that he owns a tract of land called Jesus Maria on which he has some cultivated land and a house of six rooms and on the land a ditch for irrigation and that it should be understood that as legal owner, he gives half to his wife and half to his children. He states that first a portion must be used to pay for his funeral expenses and debts and ___ something to _______ .He also states that two Indian women, Rosa and Elena, who had served his mother should be freed and provided for.He enumerated his property -- one saddle, one bridle, one sheath, one sword, one coat, two spurs, one horse and 2 yoke of oxen with yokes. He says that his son Serafin should have the gun, shield and sword and that his wife should have the saddle, bridle, spurs, the cart and three beasts (horses and oxen). He states that he owes Marcos Baca 26 sheep and that he should be paid.He states that he has had of Bernardino Sena, resident of the Villa, 208 ____ only on good faith and he wants to honor this. He also stated that he gave Tomas de Sena, resident of the Villa, 60 sheep, on good faith, apparently they were to share the lambs - after a year and two years. He would like this carried out. He wishes Bentura Mestas to take care of the loss or gain.He asks the Alcade Mayor, Capt Jose Xaramillo, to adjudicate the codicil and will and give the custody of his goods to Antonia Quintana. Signed by his own hand on 8 Apr 1761.Then he states Alexander Gonzales owes him one cow.Signed Antonio GroletWitnesses: Jose Xaramillo, JudgeSilvestre GriegoSalvador Martinez