Elena-Gurule - Gurulé Family 2024

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Gurulé Family #1
Elena Gurulé
The 1699 prenuptial investigation for the marriage between Santiago Gurulé and Elena Gallegos identifies him as a native of La Rochelle, France, and shows his parents are Ybon Grole and Maria Odón.  Elena is shown as the single daughter of Antonio Gallegos and Catarina Baca, both deceased.

Santiago and Elena only had one son, Antonio Gurulé, baptized 2 April 1703.  When he was only 16 and Antonia was 14, they married on 27 July 1718 in Bernalillo, NM.  To see the baptism record, the prenuptial investigation for the marriage, and Antonio’s will left in 1761, click on Antonio Gurulé.   

Elena Gurulé was the seventh child born to Antonio Gurulé and Antonia Quintana and appears with her parents in the 1750 census.

1750 – NM, Villa de Albuquerque (house #23)
Tomas Gurulé (Spanish, 1725, age 25), Pasquala Griego (Spanish, 1728, age 22), Usebio (1744, age 6), Juan Pablo (1747, age 3)
1750 – NM, Villa de Albuquerque (house #24)
Antonio Gurulé (Spanish, 1705, age 45), Antonia Quintana (Spanish, 1705, age 45), Juan Antonio (1733, age 17), Fabiana (1734, age 16), Seraphin (1739, age 11), Elena (1741, age 9), Francisca (1743, age 7), Manuela (1746, age 4); servant:  Rosa  (Indian, 1710, age 40), Juan (1732, age 18), Juan (1738, age 12), Antonio (1742, age 8), Mathias (1744, age 6), Tomas (1746, age 4); Servant:  Bernardina (Indian, 1720, age 30), Maria Antonia (1734, age 16), Ygnacio (1739, age 11), Joseph (1741, age 9), Josepha (1744, age 6), Maria (1747, age 3)
1750 – NM, Villa de Albuquerque (house #25)
Tadeo Garcia (Spanish, 1725, age 25), Luisa Gurulé (Spanish, 1732, age 18), Ysidro (1746, age 4), Gerardo Christobal (1749, 8 months)
1750 – NM, Villa de Albuquerque (house #27)
Balthazar Griego (Spanish, 1728, age 32), Manuela (Spanish, 1721, age 29), Domingo (1741, age 9), Rosalia (1743, age 7), Pasqual (1745, age 5), Antonia (1747, age 3), Paulina (1750, age one month); servant:  Maria Antonia (Indian, 1741, age 9)
Finally, to read the family information below, know that each generation is indented…thus Jose Duran y Chavez and Elena Gurulé are the parents for all children with #1 by their name.  Then, for example, Agustin Antonio Archibeque and Maria Manuela Sabrina Chavez are parents for all children with #2 by their name, etc.

The Gurulé Surname
Research by: Angela Lewis
Web Design by: Leon Moya

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