Gurulé Cousins Corner
Yes, all of the "cousins" listed on this page, descend from the various Gurulé families. The cousins have provided information to share with you, such as their family lineage and pictures of their ancestors.Use this address, if you would like to contact anyone listed here:In the Table below, click in the CHART column to view the family lineage. In the FAMILY column, the number will identify which family this cousin descends from, and you can locate the entire tree under ANCESTRY/GURULÉ FAMILIES on the Main Site. Check out the BIO AND PHOTO area as you’ll be surprised with how many family features you might recognize in the various cousins’ pictures.
Finally, visit the Main Menu (above) for some memorable pictures from a Gurulé Reunion, and some delicious family recipes.These are your pages, so please let us know if you have anything at all that you would like us to host for you in these pages.names with a shaded background are known direct descendants
names with a white background belong to other Gurulé familiesEntries are sorted by Cousins first name