NM Roots - Gurulé Family 2024

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New Mexico Roots Ltd
by Fray Angelico Chavez
The purpose for pre-nuptial investigations (diligencias matrimoniales) was to ensure the freedom of the couple to marry. These were strictly obligatory for the Spanish population, and included other ethnic individuals or groups who observed the Spanish way of life. They sought to uncover any close relationships between the couple, whether by blood (consanguinity) or by marriage (affinity), all of which would require a dispensation from higher church authorities. Sometimes local church officials could take care of the dispensation, but often they had to be sent to the bishop's vicar in Santa Fe or even the bishop's chancery in Durango.

Records are arranged in date order.  Only those records containing the Gurulé surname were extracted, and abbreviations have been spelled out for clarity. Additionally, actual marriage information, when found, is included.  For those records where the investigation date is after the marriage date, there was a time lapse for many reasons, such as waiting for the results of the investigation, and sometimes records were unclear as to the actual time-frame of the records.  Also, couples also got married without waiting for the dispensation.
The Gurulé Surname
Research by: Angela Lewis
Web Design by: Leon Moya

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